Why eCommerce Website for Your Business is a Must in 2020

Are you a business person or someone who’s about to start a new business in the near future? If you’re not yet convinced about whether or not to invest in an eCommerce website, here are a few benefits of eCommerce websites that you might want to consider. The demand for online shopping and services has […]
Top 10 WordPress Tips and Tricks for Beginners: 2020 Edition

Are you a novice at blogging trying to stand out from the crowd? Here are some WordPress tips and tricks for beginners that might help you out. Introduction We can all agree that 2020 hasn’t been a very productive year for us, with the quarantining and what not. But the good news is many of […]
7 Tips to Make Your WordPress Website More Secure

WordPress is a content management platform that is used by multitudes of users where they can share their thoughts with the world. The data uploaded on a WordPress site could be vital and really dear to the uploader. Hence, it comes as the general desire of WordPress users to have their websites managed securely. While […]
Top 5 Reasons to Update your WordPress Website in 2020

Just like any other software that is being constantly improved and updated, WordPress comes with constant updates. As the largest CMS in the world and hosting over 75 million sites, WordPress invests a huge amount of time and money in updates, improvements and security fixes. Keeping your WordPress site up to date is key if […]